If my goal right here right now is to get a glimpse into culture(s) through the lens of its popular music, then Afghanistan is a supreme challenge right off the bat. After viewing dozens of videos and listening to the same number of songs, almost nothing was revealed--until now.
Most seem to be made in studios and on sound-stages in hermetically sealed enclaves in well-guarded neighborhoods, no 'students', i.e. Taliban allowed. The music is mostly generic schlock-pop from well-tried formulas featuring well-coiffed celebrities, most of whom probably haven't tasted the dust of Kabul in years.
The few external scenes are of Dubai or London or Samarkand, fer Chrissakes! You'd never even know that there's a real country of real people fighting a real war for real reasons--until now. Kudos to Seeta Qasemi now only for her good voice and her good music, but for her good taste in narrating a story of her country. Long live Afghanistan, one of the most interesting countries of the world!
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