Friday, January 08, 2016

Hedgehog - The End 最后,我们会一起去海边 [MV]

Is China ready to rule the world?  If the quality of their indie rock is any indication, then they just might be.  This is not C-pop, mind you, nor any other mass-produced cutie-bootie schlock pop, just good ol' R & R, the kind that makes you realize why you came in the first place...

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Lilit Pipoyan - Tsankutiun (Wish)

Part of the problem in finding good music from countries where you've never heard any before is knowing where to start.  Generic YouTube play-lists that say 'Armenian music' don't necessarily yield much, generally the schlock or Westernized pseudo-hiphop that pervades the world these days, fine if you like that, but not much of a clue to the country itself or its culture.  For that it's best to refine the search, e.g. Armenian folk music, which will get you some more authentic vibes... enjoy...  

Monday, January 04, 2016

Musavadadira Varume ( Pah Chihera )

Well, Zimbabwean music has probably seen better days, to be honest, talking about the breezy vibes of Thomas Mapfumo, Oliver Mtukudzi, Mukadota and others, some still alive, others still kicking, but all is not lost, as evidenced by the efforts of this young lady, who somehow has managed to buck the reigning 'urban' trend for a return to Zimbabwe's roots in the countryside, hearts and minds not lost in all the crime sex and violence of cities.  Let's blame it on the rapacious government of Mugabe--yeah.  On the other hand, I found some lovely Botswana music that also crosses borders, and genres...

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